
Activity Management
MyManager™ provides an efficient system to plan, execute, monitor and control your projects easily. You can access, create, and edit all of the relevant activities at any time. Get all the relevant information whenever and from wherever you wish to have any.
- Integrated activity log
- Interactive Gantt chart
- Real-time project status
- One-stop activity tracker
Project Planning
Plan your project, progressively break it to assignments, define schedule, allocate resources, proactively create risk management plan, and everything in a single easy-fill format. Separate planning for project, sub-project, and assignments are possible.
Project Monitoring
Track the project progress, performances, and consumption in real-time. All relevant data will be stored in the secured digital vault of MyManager™ for future use, and can be retrieved by approved user only by a few clicks.
Activity History
Projects are progressively moving, occasionally changing, continuously experiencing many ups and downs, consuming materials, engaging people etc. MyManager™ will provide all of these information at a single point in real-time, so that you can get benefits for ongoing projects and realize the power for the projects to come!

Performance Management
Projects are dynamic in nature – it has to move along steadily to be ended up successfully. Reveal the key performance information of the project and team in real-time using our unique patent-pending logic engine so that you can identify the weakness as soon as it happened and can recover the project before it turns out severe.
- Project Performance
- Team Performance
- Individual Performance
- Performance Trend
Personal Performance
The most critical single factor that can affect the success of a project is the performance of a person involved in that project. Some member may be hard working but having lack of knowledge or skill for the relevant task. On the other hand some other member of the team might be very knowledgeable or skillful but not hard working enough. Our unique software will identify the performance indices of a team member as a percentage in real-time so that you can identify the relevant strength and weakness of a team member to take proactive measure, which is otherwise impossible.
Project Performance
Currently project managers are helpless because they do not have any tool to identify the cost efficiency, quality efficiency, and schedule efficiency, and therefore very often project fails to meet the predefined budget, quality and timeline. Those limitations are over - MyManager™ will provide these critical performance indices for a project, and that is also in real-time. Now project manager can always identify the weakness of a project immediately, and take necessary action to recover the project before it is too late.
Performance Trend
All business organization must need to know how they are doing to understand their current performance, and to plan how they can improve further. However, there is currently no efficient tool to provide performance indices for projects in real-time. MyManager™ is here to satisfy your dream – you can get the activity-based average performance efficiency of the team in real-time as interactive graph. This easy understandable feature will provide key information regarding the team – how good or bad they are doing. So that management can set their desired base line for the performance of their team to improve further.

Resource Management
Managing resources is a critical domain for efficient project management. MyManager™ will provide you the complete resource management system to manage manpower, machines, facilities, and materials – dare to compare!
- Manpower Management
- Inventory Management
- Machine Management
- Priority Management
Manpower Management
Know which member is engaged for how much hours for which project so that you can manage your manpower efficiently. Allocate your manpower to an assignment based on their work-load, availability and skill. You can also identify the relevant cost for an assignment or project associated with manpower so that best team can be picked up to meet the budget, quality and schedule.
Materials Management
Project continuously consumes materials but ironically available project management software products are ignoring this fact therefore efficient inventory management for a project is impossible. MyManager™ is here with integrated inventory management system so that all material management is now on fingertips. Get all the necessary inventory activities – purchase, storage, requisition, instant stock identification, cost consumed in an assignment or project etc. in a one-stop solution.
Machine Management
Machines or pieces of equipments are being used in projects; however, existing software products do not provide any system to manage this critical asset related to project management. Many project managers, particularly software-related project managers, make a huge mistake by ignoring the fact that machines are also amortizable asset for their projects – after a certain time the machine will be expired and new money will be required to replace the old one. MyManager™ will provide you an integrated system to manage your machines and facilities so that you can check availability of these tools, allocate them to your project, and can get the relevant costing to the projects.

Communication Management
Success of project manager intensely depends on the efficiency in communication management. MyManager™ provides integrated all-way communication facility so that all internal or external communication is convenient and easily trackable
- Easy live chat
- Automated reporting
- Client information portal
- Activity-linked mailing system
Internal Communication
MyManager™ provides all-in-one communication system for efficient communication with all team members. For informal discussion you can use the easy-chat function, and for regular communication there is built-in mailing system. Most importantly, MyManager™ provides an integrated communication system so that project related all communication will be automatically archived, and can be retrieved whenever necessary without hassle. Such kind of integrated communication system is extremely necessary for documented communication trails so that no communication will be missed and turbulence for the miscommunication will be stopped.
External Communication
All projects as well as business has clients, and clients are the most important partner for the success of your endeavour. Therefore it is extremely important to have an efficient client management system for complete satisfaction of clients. MyManager™ will provide you a complete solution to create your client database including many critical information fields helpful for effective access to a specific client. You can send personal as well as group mails for your marketing campaign, and everything will be traceable. So you can say good bye to other separate marketing tools to avoid unnecessary relevant cost and hassles. All communication related activities can be archived to analyze the behaviour of a specific client, which is extremely helpful for efficient management of a client.
Multifocal Reports
Successful project management need efficient and timely reports. MyManager™ has integrated reporting system so that many critical reports can be created immediately so that you don’t need to be sweated for making reports or knowing the status of any critical information related to a project or assignment. These reports are fact based, and depend on most current information on your database so no human can make so accurate and recent reports! MyManager™ can automatically create and send desired reports directly to your email so that you can stay busy with other important task.

Data Management
Projects run, projects succeed, projects fails, people moves out or moves in but the data should be available, easily trackable, and safely stored. MyManager™ will provide data archiving facility integrated to activities so that you can get them with a few clicks. Data are secured by latest dual layer security so you can stay in peace.
- Controlled Access
- Activity-linked Archive
- SSL Enabled Connection
- Highly Secured Databank
One-stop Databank
There are so many pieces of information or data related to a project, which have been accumulating for days or even years. These data are critical assets for the business as a record for previous activities as well as a reference for future activities. However, it is extremely difficult to find a specific piece of data and the other relevant chain-information of that data out of the piles of files! MyManager™ provides a one-stop data management system so that you can get all the linked data from a single point.
Activity-base Databank
MyManager™ provides an integrated database system so that all relevant data can be accessed very easily at any project level or assignment level by only few clicking. If you can just remember any word related to the project, or the name of a relevant person, or even a date then you are there so no more blind surfing in the ocean of files.
Authentic Databank
The integrity of data is extremely important. MyManager™ provides a system so that all the modification to any information or piece of data will be automatically detected and archived. This includes when the data was first created, who has created, when the data was modified, who has modified etc. This feature will provide important information about the history of the activities related to the specific piece of data, or whether any data was modified.

Access Management
Projects involved many people – internal to external. However, everybody should not have access to every piece of information or activities. MyManager™ has multi-level granular access system so that only selected information is accessible to designated person.
- Multi-level Dashboard
- Traceable User Activities
- Activity-based Permission
- Dynamic User Access System
Role-based Access
Access to the activities or database is very important but should be regulated. Many different levels of users practically exist in organizations, who necessarily are not involved in same responsibilities and function. Therefore different level of access is necessary for different level of team members for the safety and security of the database system. MyManager™ has enabled dual level access control so that you can set role-based access as well as a specific piece of data-based access. This special feature ensures maximum security against unauthorized access to any activities in the system and you can stay assured that your data are safe from intruders.
Multi-level Dashboard
Business projects are confidential in nature. Practically there are many different groups of people in an organization, who most likely are engaged in multiple projects. Therefore it is necessary to block criss-cross access to any projects to protect the confidentiality of any project. MyManager™ has multi-level dashboard system so that team leader will have specific dashboard and individual team member will have different dashboard.
User Footprints
MyManager™ is using latest security measures to protect your invaluable data including bank-like 256-bit SSL encrypted connection. Perfect match of digital id and password is required for any access to the account. However, your password might be leaked to other people due to your unconsciousness. MyManager™ has developed a system so that you can always check who is accessing to which page at what time from which location. This advance security feature will detect and show all the user activities to the system in real-time. It will instantly identify if there is any unauthorized activities, as well it will provide information regarding the activities of that suspicious access. Therefore you can immediately take necessary action like, changing the relevant password for immediate protection against such activities.